Audited_Stmts_Tax_Form.pdf Audited_Stmts_Tax_Form.pdf
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Acheivements of the Trust.pdf Acheivements of the Trust.pdf
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Eng pamphlet_pg1_2015 (2).jpg Eng pamphlet_pg1_2015 (2).jpg
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Eng pamphlet_pg1_2015 (1).jpg Eng pamphlet_pg1_2015 (1).jpg
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                                      THANKS for your on-going support!

Update of January 2023:  Please also click the link below to visit the recently created new website for the latest information:


The above documents include a copy of the 2012 Audit Report for the Trust and a copy of the "80G" Income Tax Exemption Certificate as the Trust has been exempted from income tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India.

Please see the other PDF document "Achievements of the Trust" - with graphs to show that since 1996 to the 2014 - 2015 school year, over Indian Rs 1.4 crore rupees (that is, over U.S $200,000) has been paid in scholarship funds for a cumulative total of over 22,600 students. 

Please note scholarships can be paid for students for one year of school fees to eight years of school fees - to include paid scholarship fees for university education.

The other two documents (i.e., front and back covers of the 'eng - English pamphlets') include more current information about the Swami Vivekananda Students Charitable Welfare Charitable Trust.


Please click the following "YouTube" Videos regarding:

Video Number 1:  Scholarship Function Event of 15th December 2013:  This video is narrated in Hindi - it is about 32 minutes on the December 2013 Trust Scholarship Distribution Event.

Video Number 2:  Trust Documentary VIDEO # 1:  This video is narrated in Hindi - it is about 11 minutes on the history of the Trust from 1996 onward.  (Later, we plan to upload an English translation of this video.)

Video Number 3 (called "Student Trust Video 27 October 2016"): is a 15-minute summary in Hindi of the Trust Documentary and Awards Presentation from August - September 2016.

Video Number 4 (Called "Swami Vivekanand Trust Documentary"): is the full 54-minute video in Hindi of the Trust Documentary and Awards Presentation from August - September 2016.