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Special Features of the Students' Charitable Trust


Selection Procedure: The selection of the needy students is solely done by the class teacher. The completed application forms of the selected girls are forwarded by the Principal to the Trust. The payment of scholarships are made through cheques and the amount is distributed amongst the students by the Principal in the presence of higher authorities of the Education Department. Records are maintained in each school wide an order of the Director, Education Department, Rajasthan (Serial No. Shivira/Ma/E-2/Sundries/22605/dated 26.11.97).


Minimal Administrative Expenditure: Administrative expenses are kept as low as possible. They are voluntarily borne by the trustees.


Bhamashah Award: The relentless efforts by President Shri Nand Kishore Sharda in promoting girls education has resulted in the trust being honored consequently five times with the prestigious State Level Bhamashah Award by the Government of Rajasthan. Besides, the trust has also been honored by the Department of Education from time to time.

Our Reach: We are the ONLY TRUST to provide financial support for education to needy girls to a wide range of schools (35) and colleges (17) of Jodhpur and Barmer districts of Rajasthan.


Not only trust imparts financial support for education but also teach morality and ‘sanskar’ through personality development sessions that includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

Trust provides guidance and support for the overall growth of the girls. Therefore, they are taught about their duties along with their rights so that they can be responsible citizens and contribute to the development of the country.

Most of the Trusts provide financial support only. The unique feature of the trust is a strong professional backup support. This trust provides financial support and opportunity for overall growth. Trust develops a sense of belongingness among all the girls. They consider themselves as a member of this trust family, where highly qualified educated and renowned members of the trust, in different walks of life, provide strong and powerful professional back up support not only during education period but interviews, career counselling and during their entire life.

Income Tax Exemption: The trust has been exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India